Abibigromma Theatre Company
Abibigromma reflects a commitment to the creation of modern African Theatre that draws from and feeds upon the accumulated resources and heritage of oral and written performance literature of the continent of Africa. Abibigromma has traveled extensively in Africa and Europe to portray Ghana’s rich cultural heritage at international festivals, conferences and fairs promoting cultural co-operation for development between Ghana and the world at large. This occurs as a result of bilateral exchanges between the University and other institutions.
Abibigromma’s mission is to promote and research into the Arts of Ghana and Africa. The company seeks to create and present, scripted and unscripted theatre, our unique socio-cultural music, plays and dance pieces inspired by the oral and written literature of Ghana and Africa, drawing from history, culture, folklore and traditions of Ghana into beautiful artistic expressions on stage.
Abibigromma the resident theatre company of the School of Performing Arts, University of Ghana was established in May, 1983 after a three-member committee consisting of Dr Mohammed Ben Abdallah, Mr. Asare Newman and Professor William Ofotsu Adinku had been charged earlier to come up with a proposal for the establishment of such a theatre.
Abibigromma derives its name from two African words: Abibiman (Africa) and Agromma (players). The name also contains the concept of Abibigro, which loosely translated, means “African Theatre”.
• among the aims of Abibigromma is to be engaged in research, performances and experimentation in Ghanaian and African Art forms paying due attention not only to their roots in society, but also to cultural developments elsewhere in the world.
• To develop adequate professional attitudes, systems and techniques of professional theatre management and provide an adequate and effective outlet for creativity stimulation of professional staff of the School of Performing Arts.
• To provide internship in the School with inclination towards theatre work.
• To provide, through a programme of constant performance an artistic antenna for gauging the nation’s responses to creative and cultural experiments and feeding these responses back into the University and thereby enhancing the School’s capacity to respond to national and cultural needs.
• The group seeks to cultivate in the School, University and other Educational institutions the kind of education which will assist devoted people with creativity and knowledge to inspire people to look forward to a great future.
Abibigromma Theatre Company
The group comprises of highly versatile, talented and well trained people with diverse backgrounds.
The company has a management committee under the chairmanship of the Dean of the School of Performing Arts. This committee includes a representative of the Ministry of Chieftaincy & Culture.
Headship of Abibigromma Theatre Company is by an appointment letter from the Vice Chancellor of the University of Ghana, for a two-year term and is renewable for another two year term. Currently the company is headed by Dr. Sylvanus Korshie Kuwor as the Artistic Director who is assisted by a group of experienced professionals including: Music, Dance and Drama Directors, Public Relations Officer, Administrative Secretary and a number of professional performers
Engagement Opportunities
Abibigromma is willing to work with any institution or organization with the aim of achieving an acceptable and meaningful production. It is possible to use our services to enhance the image of your institution, to launch, re-launch and market your products. We are proficient in using theatre plays as a strategy to sensitize and educate the public on consumer behavior and protection of a product by what we term Theatre for Development. Crafting and creating unique dramatic improvisations to suit your institution’s needs is an effort we can single-handedly or severally work to achieve.
Cultural Entertainment
Abibigromma Theatre Company can also provide very authentic traditional and exciting:
dances,(from all the Regions in Ghana as well as Africa), musicals, dance-drama, choreographed and contemporary dance pieces and dramatic performances at your functions such as Congregations, organizational Dinners, Cocktails, Conferences and Summits (both local and International), end-of-year get-togethers etc.
Educational Outreach programmes
Linking with other higher educational institutions, national and international organizations, to contribute to the development of Arts and Culture. Also reaching out to Basic and Second Cycle schools through theatre;
Learning & Research
People and students who have some interest in participating in any of our theatre, dance or drama forms may find limited attachment opportunities (short or long term). We do encourage all those interested to make a personal contact with our office.
We also help to prepare students and pupils, churches for cultural performances and plays for various occasions such as Speech and Prize giving days, Christmas plays etc.
Abibigromma Theatre Company enjoys an internationally acclaimed honor and reputation for good performances and Ghana is proud of our achievements in bringing Ghanaian culture to the notice of Africans and Europeans. Highlights include our splendid performance in France in and Egypt where the group was adjudged the best cultural performer.
Abibigromma has partnered with Stratcom Africa, Nestle Ghana, basic and second cycle schools and higher national and international institutions and organizations.
Our customers are satisfied with our services because we are guided by high service standards in our performances.
Our policies, procedures, actions and attitudes are all geared toward portraying and protecting our rich cultural heritage from abuse.
Our members are self-driven to do the right thing without a lot of prompting
Team Work
Team work is our hall mark; we are able to deliver quality services because of the aggregation of skills in Theatre, Drama and Music.
Physical Location: We are Located at the quadrangle of the School of Performing Arts, University of Ghana. Room No. C9. We can also be reached at the following addresses:
Abibigromma Theatre Company
School of Performing Arts
College of Humanities
University of Ghana
P. O. Box LG 19 Legon
Email: abibigromma@ug.edu.gh
Facebook: AbibigrommaUG legon
Twitter: AbibigrommaS
IG: abibigromma_legon_official
Tel: 0243980994, 0303959421, 0277876256 & 0505255274